Management of R+d+i

17 November, 2016

gestionidiThe competitiveness and the sustainable development of the organizations goes through the incorporation of R & D activity and innovation in its strategy as well as in the day to day.
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in innovative activity in the business sector, which has been greatly encouraged by public policies to support these activities. Experience shows that R & D projects and actions are executed, but not always in a systematic way or following specific methodologies that integrate these actions with the rest of the company’s activities.

The management of innovation (process from the generation of the innovative idea to its implementation and valorization) requires specific methodologies and systematics. There are initiatives that seek to establish a common basis for the definition of management systems for innovation.

In the standard UNE166001 the requirements of an R + D + i project are indicated.

The R & D & I management system indicated in the UNE 166002 standard is adaptable to any type and size of organization (from micropymes to large companies).