The information security is the set of preventive and reactive measures of the organizations and the technological systems that allow to protect and protect the information in order to maintain the confidentiality, the availability and the integrity of data and of the same.
The concept of information security should not be confused with that of computer security, since the latter is only responsible for security in the computer environment, but information can be found in different media or forms, and not only in computer media.
For the man as an individual, information security has a significant effect on his privacy, which can take different dimensions depending on the culture of the same.
The field of information security has grown and evolved considerably since World War II, becoming a globally accredited career. This field offers many areas of expertise, including auditing information systems, business continuity planning, digital forensics, and security management systems management, among others.
Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of information. ISO 27001 and 20000